Monday, October 22, 2012

looking for the crazy good

Its been a long time since I last posted.  I have not made time to do much other than work and keep up with my girls' busy schedules.   (Note to self, that is a weak ass excuse about usage of time on my part.)

There are been a lot of crazy stuff that has happened this past year that has made me feel really sad.  Which has caused me question WTF is going on in the world I live in?!

An (ultra healthy) co-worker has a devasting brain anurism; another co-worker passes away suddenly;  in my local community a little girl is abducted and murdered; and most recently a (dear - she doesn't know I think of her this way - which is sad too) friend is in a serious car accident and injured badly.

None of this makes sense, so crazy and sad.  I am fed up with the sad and bad, they are really making me MAD!  (My little Dr. Suess moment)

So today, I decided that I can't let the crazy bad and sad win.

I am on a mission to find the crazy good and happy today and every day.

Here are two things that I found that made me happy, smile, and stop and think, yes, crazy in a good way.

They are both presentations from TedxBoulder.   If you weren't able to attend like me, here is where you can see all of the presentations. I am a pretty big fan of Tedx and if they ever have presentations that come to your community I would encourage you to go, as I think it is time well spent hearing and learning from some pretty amazing people.

The first presentation is from Erika Napoletano.  This woman just makes me laugh, and says a bunch of shit I wish I could (should) say on a daily basis.  Her blog is brilliant too.  And for Christmas I want this t-shirt, size M should work:

This woman is right on about being HONEST, and honoring those people that really should matter, and all too often we completely take for granted.    Those people that love you just as you are and YOURSELF.   When I am done posting I am going to go build my own blanket fort and make a list of who can and cant' come in.

The second presentation that made me smile (through tears) was from Shannon Paige.   Shannon's view on how to GET IN YOUR OWN SKIN really reasonated.  I concur that the BODY can CHANGE THE MIND.   I will have to work on making my schedule work so I can get to one of her classes here in Boulder at  om time.    In closing I commit: "to take five deeper breathes a day, to be aware to take up more  space in my heart, and to be bold and brave enough to line up to that instant where we have the capacity to change; To respond rather than react".

I hope this post made you smile and you found a few moments of joy.  All I ask is that you tell someone about it and carry the crazy good forward.

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