Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Excuses, excuses, and other general BS....

So the summer has flown by.   I have been through summer swim team, an Olympic Tri (which completely kicked my ass), quarter end, and now back to school. 

My goal for the fall is not to be completely crushed/humiliated by the half iron man on September 11th.   I will do my best to hang tough with my swim/bike/run regime for the next 30 days.  I am kicking around the idea of writing the names of some people who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 in remembrance during the tri to help keep me motivated and focused on what I am able to accomplish. 

I had someone ask about my blog last week.  One of my (5) followers (wow I rock) and I realized  have been completely neglecting my accountability factor in my training from what I did last year and blogging and FB updates as  I trained for my marathon.

Here is my commitment to the world out there.  I will at least post once a day until 9/11/2011 on how my training is going.

Here is a quick recap for this week.  Sunday, I did a swim/spin brick-  30 minutes spin (with sprints) on my own + 30 minutes in the outdoor pool.  I felt lazy on Sunday.   But that is because on Saturday I did a 90 minute outdoor ride and then ran 6 miles and I felt GREAT during the workout, but needed  nap in the afternoon to recover.

Monday, was the first day of school.   I was very too focused on my girls in the morning and did not work out.  However,  I did a quick outdoor bike (45 min) for lunch.  It was freakin hot!  It over 85 degrees and a sh**load of traffic at 11am, which completely freaks me out.    I completely smoked Alan-( my husband) small personal victory, but I think that is b/c he had worked out earlier that day and was riding an antiquated bike.  But, hell it felt really good to be faster than him for a change.  Sorry hunny, love you though.

Today (Tuesday) I got a late wake up call  so I worked out for 17 minutes, exactly. I ran sprints.   I am in San Diego and I have to say I friggin love running at sea level!  I should have worked out when I came back from meetings today, but I elected to drink wine and catch up on email.  My bad. 

I do have an early wake up call and plan on running BEFORE I get on the plane tomorrow.  The flip side is to see if I can squeeze a bike or swim tomorrow after I get home after work.  Really need to squeeze in some type of double/brick.

I have to admit I hate working out in the afternoon, in fact my brain is way happier working before 3pm.    So an afternoon workout is almost like brain damage.

Here are the best excuses for not working out that I have found personally and/or posted on line:

1. I don't have the time.  Well, no one does.  Therefore you must make the time. So wake up 30 minutes earlier and go a for a walk/run, bike,etc , its that simple.  Get your ass out of bed and just get it done.  You will not die by waking up 30 minutes earlier.  Or exercise in 10 minute intervals in between calls or meetings.   I know you can find 30 minutes.

2.  I don't have anyone to work out with .   Ya know what you are your best company.  Hanging with just you, yourself, and I is not a bad thing for 30- 60  minutes.  Enjoy the solitude and time to hash out all of those self discussions.  You might just decide you really like yourself and want to kick some ass.

3.   I would rather spend 30 more minutes sleeping.  This one is  hard one for me to argue.  I am a huge advocate for sleep, BUT the upside on exercising is so monumental that the benefits for exercise, even just a walk far out weigh the extra 30 minutes of sleep.  So, put your work out clothes and tennis shoes RIGHT NEXT to the bed.  Let the alarm go off, change clothes in a blur and head out the door with some rockin tunes.  By the time you get back you will be awake and in a kickin mood to make a positive difference in your life and the lives of others.

off to bed now, I have an early wake up call to run then FLY!

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