Friday, July 16, 2010

now what????

So it's been about a week following the race and I have no flippin clue what to do with myself.  Yes, I have a few other races planned, but I feel like so who the F*** cares, they are all shorter and some how "easier" in my mind.  I have done nothing but sit on my ass and eat and drink this week, and drink some more.....   I know the marathon was  huge accomplishment, and I am stoked at my overall performance.  But I feel like I should want more.  Is that reasonable? Or just foolishness?

Perhaps I should set goals on time now rather than distance?  Thoughts?  Suggestions?   I don't want to lose my mojo.  I am still planning a 4 mi race with Alan (husband) through an obstacle course, then a sprint tri with a friend from HS, a 50 mile bike, and another half marathon in Oct with a friend from college.  I just want to stay on track and have that mojo to do my best....  Any encouragement would be awesome.  Perhaps this post should just go to my coach to put me in my place, but I would love to hear other insight on what to next after "the big one".

Friday, July 9, 2010


It is two days before the race and I will admit I am nervous.  First, I feel not so hot physically.  I seem to have caught a cold or triggered my allergies and now have resorted to keeping a box of kleenex in tow with me as I have travel from Chicago home and now today from Denver to Seattle to Missoula.  I am fuzzy headed from the OTC meds and am hoping I can wean myself from them in the next 24 hours.

The second aspect around the nerves seems to be from the looks of astonishment I get when I have told people I am running a marathon this weekend.  They are all very supportive and verbally extend a "good luck", "you can do it", blah, blah, blah.   But the looks on their face, well those are different.  Those seem to be saying "What a f***ing nut case", "why in the hell would you want to do that?", and my favorite was one person who immediately looked at his feet and shook their head after I told him.

So as I sit here waiting for my final flight that brings me closer to one of the biggest challenges of my life I am wondering whether or not to share my plans with others.

My anxiety level is high enough normally, I really don't need it fueled by outsiders questions of my sanity.

I keep telling myself its all good.  I will be fine.  I will feel better.  I will finish.  Uninjured.    I know what matters most is what I believe and know to be true, not what others perceive.

With that in mind, I probably won't chat it up at much over this next flight, but should someone ask why are you going to Missoula, I will answer, proudly to run my first marathon and to finish uninjured.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

When the music dies....

Today was my final LONG run before the marathon next Sunday.  Twenty miles to be exact.  In all of my efforts to prepare for the run I had not realized that my iPhone had not charged properly the day before.  So this morning I delayed the start of my run to almost 8am and left with the phone 3/4 of way charged.

I got to the track and started running at 8am.  An hour and twelve minutes in, bam, phone dies!  So I finish my run (jog and a shitload of walking) in silence.  Three and half hours later as I come to finish I realize I was probably way more present during my run.  Focused on form or lack there of, keeping my arms, shoulders and neck loose, and just an overall presence of what was happening to me physically.  I was grotesquely hot, as it was over 95 degrees when I finished and the stickiness from all of the sunscreen was maddening.

At mile 18 I discovered two spots I had missed with body glide and the chaffing spots became pretty unbearable.  I literally had to beg myself to do 12 more laps to finish and telling myself to ignore the irritant.

So I sound pretty miserable right?  Yes, I was miserable, but amazed at the same time.  I was (am still) in awe of the fact that I went 20 miles.  Its something I have never done and honestly thought how is that possible?

So as I think about next week and taking on 26 miles, I am sure that I will probably at some point befriend some misery, but found that I can get through that by staying present and just taking it step by step.