I watched the Elite athletes run and finish the Chicago marathon today, via an online webcast, thank you to NBC. And I got to see glimpses of the other runners through the streets packed with volunteers and other spectators cheering them on. All I could think of, "man I really want to be running with them". So I am putting it out there that someday before I die I will run the Chicago marathon and then a serious BHAG, qualify for Boston, that means I have to drop some significant time off of my current pace, but hell, if you don't put it out there, then the Universe cannot bring it to you. Note to self, I just double check the qualifying times and this is one hell of a nutso goal.
So bring it Universe.
In an effort to work toward my goal of improving time I am looking forward to the Denver Rock N Roll half on Sunday. As long as I am faster than my time in March I am good. If I am faster than my splits from the Missoula full marathon I will be super happy.
Let taper week begin!